tabletop tuesday

Tabletop…uhh, Wednesday?

Surprisingly, a lifetime of analog gaming has done little to prepare me for dealing with digital problems. I must’ve rolled every die I owned and played every spell card I could get my hands on, but I just couldn’t make the stars align so that Tabletop Tuesday could happen on…you know…Tuesday. I apologize for this…

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Tabletop Tuesday: It’s good to be the King

Another day, another game.  This week, I’ve put together a review of one of my favorite push-your-luck dice games.  Before I get into the thick of it though, I wanted to mention to you guys that I’ve been working on the monthly format for Tabletop Tuesday moving forward.  Every month you can expect a TT…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Comrades in Arms

Good day, fellow Board Barons! This week I intend to expand your horizons exponentially with a few of my favorite tabletop gaming podcasts & webseries.  Even when it is delivered in a timely fashion, Tabletop Tuesday can only deliver a certain amount of information at a time. It is my hope that these recommendation will…

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