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Get in touch with Stephen by emailing stephen [at]
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For any other inquiries, comments, or communications, email stephen [at]
Hover over profile images below to view social media and contact information.
Stephen Jondrew
Stephen Jondrew is a geek.
Oh that was obvious? Fine then…
Stephen often fills his spare time co-hosting and producing several podcasts, maintaining/administrating a variety of websites and yet somehow he also keeps a full-time day job and even has a wife and two children.
Stephen enjoys all things geeky including tech, comics, sci-fi, podcasting and a bunch of stuff in between. OsX vs Windows? Windows. iPhone vs Nexus? Nexus. Star Trek vs Star Wars? Star Trek, every time.
SP Rupert
VP, Network Development
SP as he is known to his close associates has dedicated his life to working within the system to bring geeky humor and science fiction points of view to the mindless minions in charge of providing the freedoms, security and infrastructure to our lives. Given the opportunity, SP would gladly slip through the Stargate to begin colonizing a new planet and living the Little House On The Prairie life or suit up to mine the solar system’s asteroids for precious metals, gems and hidden signs of ancient advanced societies.
SP has a lifelong fascination with geeky shows, advanced technologies, revolutionary science and apocalyptic tales.
Chris Ferrell
VP, Community Development
Chris Ferrell is a long time fan of a variety of so called nerdy things. Growing up he was introduced to Star War, Star Trek, and Babylon 5 by his father. That grew into a love of just about all Sci Fi and fantasy. Add in his fanboy nature when it comes to comics and Chris probably has too many things he’s interested in.
Nowadays Chris espouses his love for all things good and nerdy in both podcast and blogging forms. Chris is a staff writer at Gonna Geek. In addition to that he is the co-host the podcasts All Things Good And Nerdy and W.T.W.D. Radio Free Woodbury.
Basically, if you want to hear someone ramble about nerdy things, Chris can do it.