Tabletop Tuesday

Tabletop Tuesday with Ryan Numrich

Tabletop Tuesday: Gaming While Colorblind

If you were to sit down and play a game with me, the odds are pretty good that you’d learn something about my genetics.  If said game had different colored pieces for each player, you’d notice that I tend to go for either black, white or something very prominent like yellow.  The reason for this…

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Tabletop…uhh, Wednesday?

Surprisingly, a lifetime of analog gaming has done little to prepare me for dealing with digital problems. I must’ve rolled every die I owned and played every spell card I could get my hands on, but I just couldn’t make the stars align so that Tabletop Tuesday could happen on…you know…Tuesday. I apologize for this…

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Tabletop Tuesday: It’s good to be the King

Another day, another game.  This week, I’ve put together a review of one of my favorite push-your-luck dice games.  Before I get into the thick of it though, I wanted to mention to you guys that I’ve been working on the monthly format for Tabletop Tuesday moving forward.  Every month you can expect a TT…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Comrades in Arms

Good day, fellow Board Barons! This week I intend to expand your horizons exponentially with a few of my favorite tabletop gaming podcasts & webseries.  Even when it is delivered in a timely fashion, Tabletop Tuesday can only deliver a certain amount of information at a time. It is my hope that these recommendation will…

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Tabletop Tuesday: My Little Pony Collectible Card Game

Hello and welcome to 2014, fellow dice lobbers!  I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season.  I personally scored several delightful new games that I’m excited to share with you all over the next few weeks, but one of them stands above the rest.  On December 13th, 2013 Enterplay released the My Little Pony:…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Holiday Mega-Guide, part IV

Well folks, Christmas is a week away so this will be the final installment of the Holiday Mega-Guide.  I hope you all have enjoyed the recommendations so far.  I’m wrapping things up this week with miniatures games, which hold a special place in my heart.  I’ve been collecting, assembling and painting miniatures for far longer…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Holiday Mega-Guide 2013, part III

With stockings hung by the chimney with care, you’re going to want a few smaller gifts to make sure you’ve crammed the spirit of giving into every nook and cranny.  Luckily, there are dozens of great games that come in small packages.  This week, I’m going to share 3 of my favorite small-box games that…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Holiday Mega-Guide 2013, Part I

Happy Holidays fellow Token Titans!  It’s that wonderful time of year where the temperature drops, the snow begins to accumulate and folks find more time to spend in-of-doors playing tabletop games!  For the next few weeks, I’ll be recommending some of my favorite games to suit any gift-giving situation.  With Thanksgiving just a couple of…

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Tabletop Tuesday: The Descent of Mansions

Hello again, folks!  I am happy to be back behind the wheels of the analog gaming train and am very excited to share a newer, hipper Tabletop Tuesdays for today’s gamer on the go.  I’ll still be covering the most exciting news from all the best publishers and designers, but I’m opening up TT to…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Mega Man Goes Analog & the Stars Align

  The Blue Blomber Hits the Table! Jasco Games announced on Facebook that they’ll be publishing a Mega Man board game via Kickstarter.  Now, Mega Man hasn’t been treated with the most respectful hand lately, but the folks over at Jasco are no strangers to marrying tabletop and video games.  They currently publish the Universal…

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