
iThing of the Week: Games! Games! Games!

Last week, I ended my critique of Star Trek Rivals and Fast & Furious 6: The Game with the suggestion of playing something else. I would be remiss if I didn’t offer other games to play. In addition to Waking Mars and Ridiculous Fishing, the following are some of my favorite iOS games from the…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Wherein Elder Gods get smashed and the Dominion blitzes the Alpha Quadrant

Welcome back for another week of delightful tabletop gaming news.  It’s been a busy, busy week in the wide world of analog gaming.  We’ve got space ships, dark gods from beyond space and time, a few coveted awards and ELVES…IN…SPAAAACE!         Arguably the most exciting news this week was WizKids’ announcement of…

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Tabletop Tuesday: Mongols and Superheroes and Starships? Oh my!

Welcome to the very first edition of Tabletop Tuesday!  This humble corner of Gonna Geek will cover news highlights from the wide world of analog gaming every week.  In addition to covering all the latest news and gossip for board, card, miniatures and roleplaying games I’ll also be discussing some of the terminology commonly used…

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Crossing The Streams: XBox And PC Gaming

I have a confession to make: The majority of my gaming life has been on console. Okay, that’s not so much a confession as it is common knowledge. Growing up there was only a few games on the PC I was even allowed to play. Myst, Doom (which was a sneak in until someone realized…

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Nintendo’s Wii U Holiday Advice

The latest game console on the market is the Wii U by Nintendo.  There have many criticisms of the system since it launched.  One of the biggest criticisms was that the Wii U has a massive system update required right out of the box. This update clocks in at a little over 1 GB, so…

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