
About the Author
Stephen is a west coast Canadian who enjoys pretty much all things geeky. Whether it's podcasting, playing with tech or just watching a great re-run of Star Trek, Stephen is probably interested in it. GonnaGeek is the brain child of Stephen. You see, for years he has helped run a variety of specific genre websites (such as comics, Star Trek, etc) but sometimes he found himself needing to talk more than just comics... that's why he created GonnaGeek. Stephen is currently the Producer, Editor and a Co-Host of the Official Show ( and Better Podcasting ( He also runs

Afterglow AP.2 Unboxing and Initial Impressions

As mentioned in my prior article, I recently was evaluating the thought of changing my PS3 controller in order to purchase a controller of the Xbox 360 layout. I won’t harp on the same things as before, so check out my review of the Nyko Raven controller for my rationale behind this. In the midst…

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Nyko Raven Alternate Controller Unboxing and Initial Impressions

I was recently discussing with my brother about his initial impressions of how his newly purchased PS3 stacked up against his XBOX360 and as I was listening to some of his complaints, I found that a lot of his points were ones that I had also encountered over the years. For example, he pointed out…

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Logitech Z623 Speaker Review

The Prediciment Over the years I’ve found myself using a combination of various audio equipment in my office including both basic home theatre speakers and large 1980s-ish Cerwin-Vega’s – basically I was spoiled. As you can imagine when it came time for me to downsize to a regular set of 2.1 computer speakers I was…

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Bose CineMate 1 SR Home Theatre System Soundbar Review

Someone that I know (who I’ll leave anonymous so the world isn’t jealous of them) recently was in the market to purchase a home theatre setup. Their previous system was a full Bose surround system package that they managed to get a great deal on in the late 90s. Although a quick google search will…

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Apple iPhone 4S Review

Even though I recently managed to squeeze more power out of my iPhone 3G, a few weeks ago I decided to bite the bullet and purchase an iPhone 4S. My journey with the iPhone 4S started out a bit rocky, and here’s why… MY THOUGHTS AFTER THE INITIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Initially when Apple made the announcement…

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Geek on a Budget

Being a geek on a budget doesn’t mean that you can’t afford cases for your hardware, it also doesn’t mean that you can’t afford to outfit your home, office and car with iPhone docks and accessories. As a moderately “thrifty” (or as my brother says, cheap) guy you can count on me to explore the…

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Increased performance on my iPhone 3G by reloading it…

In my dilemma about whether or not to upgrade my cell phone I mentioned at the end I was going to try to squeeze one more year out of my iPhone 3G by reinstalling it – it may have worked. This past weekend I decided to say goodbye to the apps I had installed and…

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The Great Cell Phone Debate – Should I stay or should I go?

Don’t sign a contract between March and June, it’s a bad idea – at least that’s what I’ve discovered. In March of 2009 I decided to treat myself to a new phone so I purchase an iPhone 3G. It was great and I was happy, until July rolled around. The iPhone 3GS was announced and…

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Mozilla Firefox vs Google Chrome – My switch to Chrome

For years I’ve been an advocate of dumping Internet Exploer. My biggest problems have always been IE’s security issues and more importantly the way it tends not to properly render HTML correctly. Around 4 to 5 years ago I made the move to make Firefox my primary browser and never looked back. Aside from the…

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Comic Books in Digital Format

I’m sure it’s apparent that I am a very tech-oriented guy but what might not be so obvious is that I’m also a comic book fan. So I’m sure it’s no surprise that when the two of these cross, I get to be a very happy guy. For quite sometime I’ve been an advocate of…

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