With a half dozen of gnolls charging out at them from the treeline, the party decides to hop back in their cart and spur the horses away. Unfortunately for the party, these gnolls have sighted them down as prey, and they are relentless. As they push the horses, sling spells, fire arrows, and even change drivers, the gnolls continue to bear down on them, closing the gap with each passing second. Will they be able to slay the gnolls before they catch up to the cart and overtake it? Will fighting upon a moving cart lead to their ruin?
This episode is brought to you by Gabe and Jeff, over at Inter-Party Conflict, and Chaiikaii. If you’d like to join them in supporting the show, consider joining our Patreon.
For this episode, we are dedicating our shout out spot to minMAXmankind. We chose to donate all of our earnings from Patreon during the month of May, as well as an extra $39 from our humanity rolls, for a total of $53 dollars, to the Child’s Play charity. We’d like to thank all of our supporters for contributing to the cause, as well as Lawful Stupid for arranging the event.
Damian – The DM
Chris – Rem
Christa – Ariel
Chantalle – Kenina
Caitlin – Tempest
If you like what we have been doing, consider joining our Patreon. You can donate monthly to show your support and help us cover our operating expenses, as well as potentially fund upgrades and other media going forward.
Have Discord? Want to hang out with the cast? Maybe even get in a game with us? Join us on our Discord!
If you’d like to know more about the music featured on the show, check out our Music Page.
Fimbulwinter – Vindsvept (Intro)
Video Dungeon Boss – Incompetech (0:51)
Fimbulwinter (cont.) – Vindsvept (3:02)
My Everything – Adrian von Ziegler (3:10)
Fimbulwinter (cont.) – Vindsvept (4:11)
Call to Adventure – Incompetech (6:56)
Nonstop – Incompetech (10:51)
He Has Escaped – Vindsvept (14:06)
Hot Pursuit – Incompetech (16:32)
Flying High – Vindsvept (19:26)
As We March – Vindsvept (22:18)
Grim Idol – Incompetech (25:17)
On the Other Side – Vindsvept (28:51)
At the Edge of the World – Vindsvept (31:56)
Curse of the Scarab – Incompetech (35:22)
Five Armies – Incompetech (40:43)
Heartbeat – Jamie Brace (43:01)
Dragon Cliffs – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (46:12)
Cowboys and Outlaws – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (49:13)
Escape – Serpentsound Studios (56:59)
Gunslinging Outlaws – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (59:00)
Slavic Lands – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (1:02:17)
Guardian – Vindsvept (1:05:23)
Naglfar – Vindsvept (1:08:37)
Ragnarok – Vindsvept (1:11:25)
Last Stand (Outro)