Russian assassins, getting to the truth, investigation discoveries, Howling Commando action and the role of women and diversity in Agent Carter – this week is jam packed with topics for discussion. The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Haley, Stargate Pioneer, and Lauren dive into Agent Carter Event episode 5 “The Iron Curtain” this week. They also discuss the week in Marvel news, interact with the live Mixlr chat room and review down all the awesome Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. feedback.
First 13 Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. podcasts [1:58]
One last reminder: The first 13 Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. podcast episodes are now available exclusively on the www.LegendsOfShield.com website for download or streaming.
Podcast Awards [2:59]
Thank you to everyone who nominated us or any of your favorite GonnaGeek.com podcasts for awards at PodcastAwards.com. We really appreciate your support and if any of the GonnaGeek podcasts make it to the fan voting stage we will let you know as soon as we can!
Unqualified Gamers 100th episode! [3:29]
Congratulations to the GonnaGeek.com video game podcast Unqualified Gamers for reaching 100 episodes this week. We certainly think they need all the support they can get since they’ve gone 100 episodes without being qualified to podcast about video games.
Agent Carter The Iron Curtain [3:51]
The hosts find themselves on the backside of the Agent Carter special event as things heat up for Agent Carter and we learn to do as Peggy says. As usual Marvel does it best to successfully creep us out by showing us The Red Room and just why Dottie is as fundamentally crazy as she is. For those of us not making the connection at home Marvel pulls back the veiling curtain and tells us flat out that Leviathan is a secret Russian shadow organization. Marvel also tries to make us like Thompson but the hosts just can’t totally get there from Thompson still being…well Thompson. And the hosts wonder why Sousa is sitting on his profound discovery and we aren’t talking about what he discovered in the SSR changing room either. Plus maybe Chief Dooley isn’t that bad of a guy either since he wants what we want – the truth.
Why are there so many Taylor Swift podcasts? What makes her so popular?
Sleep Earphones:
Wireless: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00EZ4L5GU
Corded: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0046H8ZHS
Check out the Cryptological Museum at the official NSA.gov website including how Alan Turing contributed to codes and code breaking in WWII:
For more television on WWII code breaking check out the ITV series: The Bletchley Circle
Dan Carlin’s podcast series on the Russian loses in WWII
Marvel’s Relationships in flow chart format
Spider-Man (Webheads) Geek Jersey available for order until the end of February 2015
Flying Millennium Falcon
NEWS [34:36]
Agent Carter Ratings
SD: 4.25 mil
Luke Mitchell Joins Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [As Inhuman]
Rachael Taylor cast as Patricia “Trish” Walker/Hellcat in AKA Jessica Jones
Carrie-Ann Moss cast as Harper in AKA Jessica Jones
Peggy Carter/Hank Pym connection
Hayley Atwell and James D’Arcy interviews
Author Tamora Pierce and discussions on racial diversity in Agent Carter
Chadwick Boseman interview – not a good interview
Agent Carter Costumes
Avengers: Age of Ultron promo art
Avengers: Age of Ultron pictures
AoU prequel comic tells how Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver got their powers (Lauren read comic & can tell if we don’t want to do as a news story)
Avengers: Age of Ultron tv spot 1
Daredevil teaser trailer
Daredevil costume is “pretty tight” & takes 4 people to put it on
How many eggs does Spider-Man need to eat to produce his own webbing?
Fan is a LIIIIITTLE too into Red Skull (Warning: Pictures)
Star Lord and Cap (and Jimmy Fallon) photobomb at the Super Bowl, are generally awesome
Feedback [80:04]
@sithwitch @LegendsofSHIELD RT: @ShirtPunchTees: Carter! This design is just $10! –> http://ow.ly/IhvTr
Lord Jesse ?@LilTooClinical Feb 1
Gotta side with @StargatePioneer on the Sitwell thing. Look at Bucky, Zola even Deathlok. Who knows what he could survive? @LegendsofSHIELD
“@MELlNDAMAY: “Agents of Shield Gag Reel from Wizard World Portland http://youtu.be/JvAVwUAKPZM ” @LegendsofSHIELD
@LegendsofSHIELD “I’m just trying to make my city a better place”. #daredevil
#missunionjack @LegendsofSHIELD @AgentCarterTV @BridgetRegan
Dr. Gnome to you ?@MrParacletes Feb 3
@LegendsofSHIELD Hey kids! It’s John Glover! [Applause]
Taking Darcy out of the Thor series would be a mistake.
Rumor: THOR: RAGNAROK Director Shortlist Revealed, Darcy’s Future in Question
Big changes could be coming to Asgard, True Believers. Just so we’re very clear on this one, what follows should be taken with a MASSIVE grain of salt until…
151 people reached
Lauren Wisniewski As someone who has written Darcy-centric fanfic… MOAR DARCY.
Stargate Pioneer Some of the best times I’ve had in truck stops were from notes scribbled on the bathroom stalls.
Jonathan Chalmers This “the_marvel_intern” has been posting a lot stuff on Reddit lately, but I call B.S. It’s the internet equivalent of scrawling something on the inside of a bathroom stall.
Christy Danger Very true! And I love that hat.
Mary Kirk OMG Darcy is my one of my favorite characters in the MCU I want her in MORE not less!
Adam: This week’s episode about Thompson.
Outro [85:30]
Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer love to hear back from you about your top 5 Marvel character lists, your science of Marvel questions, why Wing is wrong at any time, who would you pick in an all female Avenger team, or who’s Marvel abs you would like to see. Call the voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.
Join Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. next time as the hosts discuss the sixth episode of the Agent Cater Special Event, A Sin To Err. You can listen in live when we record Wednesday nights at 8:00 PM Central time at live.legendsofshield.com. Contact Info: Please see www.legendsofshield.com for all of our contact information or call our voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871
Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is a Proud Member Of The Gonna Geek Network (gonnageek.com).
Standby for your S.H.I.E.L.D. debriefing…
Source Article from http://legendsofshield.libsyn.com/legends-of-shield-59-agent-carter-the-iron-curtain