The group discusses the controvery around Agent Sitwell’s apparent death, run down the movies Haley still hasn’t seen yet, our admiration for Star Wars Rebels again, try to stay spoiler-free about the Avenger 2: Age Of ultron teaser trailer while it leaked and then Marvel officially releases it live during the podcast.
Call In with your take on the awesome Avenger 2: Age Of Ultron teaser trailer and we will discuss it in detail next week.
Did you catch the Bessie The Hellcow reference? Want more info about The Diviner and the Silent War? Check out Agent Lauren’s take. Also marvel at how Agent Lauren would make a much much much better S.H.I.E.L.D. agent than anyone in the team right now.
“@SuperheroReport: ‘GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY’ passes $700 Million Worldwide! ” @LegendsofSHIELD
Julia Morgan ?@MorganScorpion Oct 16
@LegendsofSHIELD @GothamNightline Wow! I have a hard enough time working out two channels! What software are you using?
@LegendsofSHIELD best part of this weeks podcast is @sithwitch explaining the Hawkeye initiative lol
Alphabet Cookie ?@defydownunder Oct 17
@LegendsofSHIELD @StargatePioneer thanks 4 the shoutout (& saying my name right lol) I’ll be here dancing to the scene thong LMAO! Nice job!
Alphabet Cookie ?@defydownunder Oct 17
@LegendsofSHIELD @StargatePioneer great cast and fun to hear Wing from the arrow cast. Also, Sitwell is dead, smeared on the road dead :)
@Nightwing_GG @StargatePioneer @LegendsofSHIELD Agent Hand was shot…in the face. She’s dead. D-E-A-D. From being shot…in the face.
Jay Witten ?@scopehound Oct 19
@The_Operator01 @Nightwing_GG @StargatePioneer @LegendsofSHIELD Exactly. She’s dead until they need her. Then the hand waving comes in.
@scopehound @The_Operator01 @StargatePioneer @LegendsofSHIELD she’s “comic-book MIA”. Dead is only for uncle Ben
Phantasmic Jeannie ?@Asetisis Oct 19
@Nightwing_GG @andiminga @The_Operator01 @scopehound @StargatePioneer @LegendsofSHIELD til we see her onscreen I won’t consider her not dead
@Asetisis @Nightwing_GG @andiminga @scopehound @StargatePioneer @LegendsofSHIELD don’t make me call in @Nice_Bitches .. I’ll do it
@LegendsofSHIELD Pigeon + Boomerang = Pidgerang!
@LegendsofSHIELD @ComicBookLegend Wait, Spidet-Gwen?! Who is this and where did she come from?
Alphabet Cookie ?@defydownunder Oct 21
@LegendsofSHIELD my top 5 marvel movies: 1. Guardians of the Galaxy, 2. Avengers, 3. Thor 1, 4. Captain America 1, 5. Thor 2 :D
Alphabet Cookie ?@defydownunder Oct 21
@LegendsofSHIELD Also, am I the only person that ships Thor and Sif? They don’t even have a shipper name!
Jerry Rupiper ?@JerryRupiper Oct 21
@LegendsofSHIELD thanks so much for an insightful cast about my favorite show. Your passion, knowledge & research are evident in every p.
Dr. Gnome to you ?@MrParacletes 18h18 hours ago
.@LegendsofSHIELD This is why we can’t have nice iPads!
Alphabet Cookie ?@defydownunder 9h9 hours ago
@LegendsofSHIELD Fitzsimmons reunion made me sad, that’s my thought :(
Dr. Gnome to you ?@MrParacletes 1h1 hour ago
@LegendsofSHIELD Am I the only one confused by Skye’s dad’s going to Hydra? I thought he was trying to keep it from them. Change of heart?
Try this on for size: Jeff Bridges returns to the Marvel Universe. He once played Starman…NOW HE IS STARLORD’S FATHER! Thank us later, Kevin Feige.
Jason Bultemeyer What if Skye is related to Starlord? (I.e. step sister)
Legends Of SHIELD Podcast Jason, so Starlord father is Kyle MacLachlan?
Like · Commented on by Stargate Pioneer · October 20 at 9:08pm
Jason Bultemeyer *shrugs shoulders* Maybe.
Legends Of SHIELD Podcast Who would you like as Quill’s father Steven?
Like · Reply · Commented on by Stargate Pioneer · October 20 at 8:59pm
Jesse Lee Holt Star Lord’s dad is Star Dude!
Steven Carl I do not approve. Bridges only plays “The Dude” in different clothes now. I don’t want star lords dad to be “the dude”
Chris Ferrell – RDJ and Jeremy Renner on Aos???
Jay Witten – Predictable & Avengers Trailer
Chris Ferrell – Avengers leaked trailer
Request For Feedback:
Marvel Top 5 Characters
Episode Feedback
Your science of Marvel questions
Why Wing is wrong
What you’d like to see as the untitled 2018 FOX-produced Marvel based comic movie
- What kind of sport Agent Coulson would have played in school
- All-Female Avengers lineup
Guardians of the Galaxy
domestic: $328mil
worldwide: $733mil
production budget: $170mil
China: $69mil
Marvel’s 3rd highest grossing movie
Agents of SHIELD
2×05: L+SD 4.36mil
2×04: L+3
L+SD 4.70mil
Episode Names:
None new this week
Uninterrupted Shield episodes through the end of the year.
Avengers trailer during next week’s episode of SHIELD
Hayley Atwell kicking ass and taking names
Daredevil Is Much Darker Than Anything Marvel Has Done Before
Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack to be released on cassette Nov 28
Avengers 2 has Marvel’s most VFX shots to date
Colin Farrell Joins List Of Dr. Strange Contenders And Maybe Don’t Rule Out Joaquin Phoenix Yet
Marvel Gave Robert Downey Jr. The Giant “A” From the Avengers
Marvel Creates Hearing-Disabled Superhero With Children’s Hearing Institute in New York
Paleyfest Panel Video (46:00 minutes long)
Chloe Bennet
Ming-Na Wen
Clark Gregg
Jeph Loeb
Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer love to hear back from you about your top 5 Marvel character lists, you science of Marvel questions, why Wing is wrong at any time, what you’d like to see as the untitled 2018 FOX-produced Marvel based comic movie, or what kind of sport Agent Coulson would have played in school. Call the voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.
Join Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. next time as the hosts discuss Season 2 Episode 6 of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. “A Fractured House.” Contact Info: Please see for all of our contact information or call our voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.
Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is a Proud Member Of The Gonna Geek Network (
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