
Unqualified Gamers Podcast #111: E3 2015 recap, Steam Summer Sale

Jon recaps E3 2015, including press conferences from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, and he and Cody discuss their reactions to various announcements. Plus, hear what games Cody has purchased so far in the 2015 Steam Summer Sale!  

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Video Game Sales by the Numbers

The consumer market research group the NPD Group has released its findings on video game sales in  2013 and the numbers are staggering. We spent a whopping $15.39 billion, with a B. The industry as a whole saw a 1% increase while the release of the Next-Gen systems helped pushed console sales up by 5%….

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How Microsoft SHOULD have launched the Surface

What feels like not long ago I found myself sitting on an airplane next to a lawyer at Microsoft. As I pulled out my iPad, a conversation ensued to which I naturally asked her about the upcoming Surface. Although she had not had a chance to have any first hand experience with it, she had…

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Microsoft Backtracking on Xbox One DRM? (Update)

Gaming site Giant Bomb broke the news earlier that according to their sources at Microsoft there is a big shakeup coming regarding the widely criticized DRM policies for the new Xbox One.  According to their sources Microsoft is planning to pull a complete 180 and reverse their course on DRM for the Xbox One. What…

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Windows 8 after two months of use….

I’ve now been using Windows 8 on my primary desktop computer for close to two months and contrary to my initial reaction – I don’t regret it one bit. I admit that when I first downloaded the consumer preview I was convinced that I would never make the jump; however, their upgrade deal at the…

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