Audio Technica

Electro-Voice RE320 vs Shure SM7B vs Heil PR40 vs Audio-Technica BP40 vs Procaster vs Art D7 Shootout Comparison

In this MASSIVE Microphone Shootout we compare 6 large dynamic microphones. Audio-Technica BP40 vs Electro-Voice RE320 vs Shure SM7B vs Heil PR40 vs Rode Procaster vs Art D7. To help provide samples for multiple use cases, the test is run 3 times – once with the raw audio, another with some enhancement by the DBX286,…

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Podcasting Studio Monitoring Headphones Recommendations

  Headphones can be useful while recording or editing a podcast and the right headphones can be invaluable. No matter if you are guesting on your first podcast or if you are a seasoned podcasting veteran, audio separation between the microphone and the rest of the sounds from your podcast such as co-hosts, incoming Skype…

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