Play Comics

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a game we all know from a comic series we all know exists. Ha, joke’s on us because most of the people I know grew up on the cartoons.

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Batman the Video Game

Ah, Batman. What can you say about someone with such a storied past? Well, Chris and Sean go off on an over sized episode that tries to capture the magic of one of the better games on the NES. You know you loved this game as a kid. And it wasn’t just b…

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Snoopy Sports

Wow, this one is horrible. Not the episode, it’s pretty sweet. But the game itself? It’s pretty bad. The video we watched because we couldn’t handle playing it for long. Find the show on Twitter @PlayComicsCast, Chris’s personal Twitter @theichibun, an…

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Sean joins Chris and the show goes insane in the best way possible. The language gets more adult though so you might want to be careful about that. We try no to go overboard, but no promises. Find the show on Twitter @PlayComicsCast, Chris’s personal T…

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Spy vs Spy

Spy vs Spy, and incorrectly Spy vs Spy 2 in this case, are looked at in this episode. Thankfully the sequel doesn’t really change much beyond the setting so it’s not a big deal. The game was planned and development started for an NES release over here,…

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