
About the Author
Chris Ferrell is a long time fan of just about all things geeky and nerdy. Growing up he was introduced to Star Trek, Star Wars, and video games by his father. Those hobbies stuck and he has just added to them since. Now Chris writes for Gonna Geek and co-hosts the Official Gonna Geek Podcast, All Things Good And Nerdy podcast, and WTWD Radio Free Woodbury.

ATGN 008 – E3 Extravaganza

This week we present you with a special E3 mini-episode.  The panel took the time to do a quick run through of E3 and talked about the highs and lows of the show.  The common consensus is that this year E3 was kind of boring.

The panel for this mini-episode consisted of:

The Adahy – or @TheAdahy

Chris – or @RoundTableNerds

Naki – or @1nerdycupcake

Don’t forget to watch the live show at 11AM EST on Sundays.  We’ll see you again on Sunday.

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All Things Good And Nerdy 007 – Show Us Your Kitty

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 007 – Show Us Your Kitty.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

The panel was all over this week in their discussion and a variety of topics were touched upon.    The big news first was the discussion of E3 taking place next week.  The panel took the time to make their predictions about what would come out of E3.  Some predictions were crazier than others.  It was also interesting to note that many game announcements had leaked already.  Most notable God of War 4 and a new Gears of War game.

The panel also discussed DC Comics announcement that Alan Scott was coming out of the closet.  From there The Dark Knight Rises was discussed, specifically the tiny hope that Chris Nolan and Christian Bale might make another Batman film.

It was also observed that zombies appear to be eating people in real life and this is all because of bath sal […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 007 – Show Us Your Kitty

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 007 – Show Us Your Kitty.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

The panel was all over this week in their discussion and a variety of topics were touched upon.    The big news first was the discussion of E3 taking place next week.  The panel took the time to make their predictions about what would come out of E3.  Some predictions were crazier than others.  It was also interesting to note that many game announcements had leaked already.  Most notable God of War 4 and a new Gears of War game.

The panel also discussed DC Comics announcement that Alan Scott was coming out of the closet.  From there The Dark Knight Rises was discussed, specifically the tiny hope that Chris Nolan and Christian Bale might make another Batman film.

It was also observed that zombies appear to be eating people in real life and this is all because of bath sal […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 006 – We Play For Keeps

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 006 – We Play For Keeps.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

The panel was all over this week in their discussion and a variety of topics were touched upon.  The show started with the panel addressing the current trend of zero-day DLC and how many companies seem to be embracing this plan in an effort to squeeze a few more dollars out of gamers.  Next up was a discussion of how big comic companies like Marvel and DC have announced upcoming stories revolving around gay characters.  The common consensus is this seems like a cash grab.  If a character is gay that’s great, but the companies should focus on telling good stories not publicity.

Next up was a quick review of Men In Black 3 as most of the panel had seen the movie. The consensus was that MIB 3 is a fun summer movie and its worth checking out.  However, its no Avengers.  Continu […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 006 – We Play For Keeps

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 006 – We Play For Keeps.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

The panel was all over this week in their discussion and a variety of topics were touched upon.  The show started with the panel addressing the current trend of zero-day DLC and how many companies seem to be embracing this plan in an effort to squeeze a few more dollars out of gamers.  Next up was a discussion of how big comic companies like Marvel and DC have announced upcoming stories revolving around gay characters.  The common consensus is this seems like a cash grab.  If a character is gay that’s great, but the companies should focus on telling good stories not publicity.

Next up was a quick review of Men In Black 3 as most of the panel had seen the movie. The consensus was that MIB 3 is a fun summer movie and its worth checking out.  However, its no Avengers.  Continu […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 005 – OP’d and Nerfed

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 005 – OP’d and Nerfed.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

The big news this week is the release of Diablo 3.  Since Chris and Naki have suck computers The Adahy was the only one to play while the rest of us drooled over the game in the livestream.  The panel also discussed the details about The Avengers blu-ray release and massive amount of deleted scenes on the disc.  Of course this then degenerated into a conversation about comic book movies.  The panel took the time to take a shot at Green Lantern and mention that not all comic book movies have to be dark.  It may work for Batman, but not really for Superman.

Moving on, the panel discussed Community and the greatness that was the 16-bit episode.  After a discussion about Dan Harmon’s situation with the show we moved on to the Big Bang Theory and how the show might actually be […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 005 – OP’d and Nerfed

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 005 – OP’d and Nerfed.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

The big news this week is the release of Diablo 3.  Since Chris and Naki have suck computers The Adahy was the only one to play while the rest of us drooled over the game in the livestream.  The panel also discussed the details about The Avengers blu-ray release and massive amount of deleted scenes on the disc.  Of course this then degenerated into a conversation about comic book movies.  The panel took the time to take a shot at Green Lantern and mention that not all comic book movies have to be dark.  It may work for Batman, but not really for Superman.

Moving on, the panel discussed Community and the greatness that was the 16-bit episode.  After a discussion about Dan Harmon’s situation with the show we moved on to the Big Bang Theory and how the show might actually be […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 004 – Its A Trap!

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 004 – Its A Trap!  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

Fair warning to everyone, The Avengers are discussed again, and there will be spoilers.  This movie is far too good to pass up talking about!

The other topics this week included an update on the status of Star Wars: The Old Republic and its declining users, the rise of casual gaming and its impact on Nintendo and Sony, Zynga potentially suing to trademark the usage of ‘ville’, the announcement of Axe Cop the cartoon, the death of traditional TV viewing and the rise of the streaming movement, rumors about a Steam console, and making fun of the long delayed Starcraft Ghost.  Also, there was a conversation about The Avengers and if that movie had made The Dark Knight Rises less exciting.  The group thinks the movie will be good, but it will be a tough fight against The Avengers.  F […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 004 – Its A Trap!

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 004 – Its A Trap!  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

Fair warning to everyone, The Avengers are discussed again, and there will be spoilers.  This movie is far too good to pass up talking about!

The other topics this week included an update on the status of Star Wars: The Old Republic and its declining users, the rise of casual gaming and its impact on Nintendo and Sony, Zynga potentially suing to trademark the usage of ‘ville’, the announcement of Axe Cop the cartoon, the death of traditional TV viewing and the rise of the streaming movement, rumors about a Steam console, and making fun of the long delayed Starcraft Ghost.  Also, there was a conversation about The Avengers and if that movie had made The Dark Knight Rises less exciting.  The group thinks the movie will be good, but it will be a tough fight against The Avengers.  F […]

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All Things Good And Nerdy 003 – That’s So Appalachia

This week sees the premiere of All Things Good And Nerdy Episode 003 – That’s So Appalachia.  Want to know where the episode title came from?  I guess you better tune into the podcast!

This week we had a few technical difficulties that shortened the podcast.  But that didn’t stop us from discussing a variety of topics.  If you saw the Avengers you are in luck because we will discuss it.  If you haven’t seen the movie yet all the Avengers coverage is at the end and we clearly state when the spoiler discussion will start.  So you’re safe to listen in until then.

The other topics this week included the Elder Scrolls Online, specifically whether it is a good idea, the PS Vita’s sagging sales, the soon to release Diablo 3, the hate of Battleship the Movie, and how The Expendables 2 is a movie designed to appeal to men.  Also, we spoke about the new Madden announcers, and the addition of multiplayer to the God of War franchise.  To wrap […]

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