I was recently making changes to my Google account on my Nexus 7 when I came across an option to “Auto Backup” my photos. When I saw this feature my gut reaction was “Hell no!” and to reach for the uncheck button – but then I realized, why?
While I’ve always been an overly cautious user I do remember a time where I’d jump on the opportunity to backup important data such as my photos (especially for free) but for some reason now I’m filled with paranoia. Although I currently use a variety of Google products (and recognize that Google often mines the data — see our lengthy discussion a few podcasts back) for some reason when it comes to Photos I’ve found it hard to get onboard with an auto-sync service. I was wondering why I had such a fear even though I have nothing to hide (sorry folks, my camera roll is pretty bland) and then it occurred to me where this stemmed from – Facebook.
While privacy settings on Facebook for photos used to be straight forward and clear, over the years the privacy lines seem to becoming more grey rather than black and white. Now it feels as if users should assume that if they upload a photo the likelihood is that the world will probably end up seeing it. While Google+ has had its share of privacy concerns, one thing they’ve always done right is the ability to control who sees what (circles). After having this realization I went back and looked at the configuration screen for the auto backup service and I noticed that in plain text the configuration says “Backups are for your eyes only.” I was shocked to discover that my paranoia with photos has become so bad that I missed this straight forward disclaimer. Do I believe for a second that Google doesn’t access these? Not at all, but the reality is that I’m ok with “the man” seeing my photos; however, that doesn’t mean that I necessarily want my contacts to. I decided to enable the service… at least on my Nexus 7.
As for the auto backup service experience itself – so far I’m enjoying it. The service is simple, updates quickly and most importantly it works. After letting my tablet upload my photos I found that new photos were backed up within a minute or two of their capture. The photos are easy to view through Google Plus by simply clicking on the “Photos” section via web or app. I’ve also discovered that when a photo is deleted from the device it remains backed up which is GREAT if you accidentally get click happy when clearing out your camera roll. Furthermore if I do opt to share a photo it’s as simple as clicking the Share button and filling out the appropriate fields. Users do get 15GB of storage for “full size” backups but users can purchase more space if they opt to.
Privacy pfft what’s that? As a facebook user I’m used to people I actively finding pics that they shouldn’t have, but I have a concern/question. It says for your eyes only but how does that fit in with google’s new policy that any photos and videos on their system is open game for advertising? Will they really exude the “backup” photos are it that just another pool for them to pull from?
I actively avoid (missed a word there)
That is a good point, which is one of the reasons I haven’t enabled my phone (my tablet barely takes photos). With that said though, my understanding was that there was an option to opt out… do I believe that it truly does? I wouldn’t bet my pants on it haha
Hi there
As we know that google photos can be accessed from googl+ so does that mean people on google+ view my backup photos. . Please respond.
By default your g+ backups are private meaning only you can see them.
I want to opt out of auto backup photos and videos. What do I do ?