Capes on the Couch

A comic aficionado and a board-certified psychiatrist look at the various neuroses of your favorite heroes and villains and provide options for treatment.

Saving the world doesn’t necessarily mean you go home happy. How’s the mental health of your favorite superhero? A comic aficionado and a board-certified psychiatrist look at the various neuroses of your favorite heroes and villains and provide options for treatment.

This podcast is a member of the GonnaGeek Podcast Network but is not owned by GonnaGeek.

All Episodes

Issue 190 – Jack Russell

Under the cover of a full moon, we shed a light on Jack Russell, WEREWOLF BY NIGHT! How many Warren Zevon references do we fit into this episode? Listen now to find out! Intro Apologies for delays in episodes – Doc and I going thru stuff…

Creators on the Couch – Allen Dunford – The Herald

We bring back friend of the show Allen Dunford to talk about his new baby daughter! I’m sorry, we bring him back to talk about his doctoral thesis! Wait, I mean we discuss his latest Kickstarter campaign THE HERALD! (And we also talk about those…

Issue 189 – Deathstroke

It’s time to swim in the Deadpool and do the DEATHSTROKE! Some people would give their left eye for an episode like this. Those people probably need help just like Slade. Listen now! Intro – Jeremy Whitley Apologies for the delay …

Creators on the Couch – Erica Schultz 6

We sit down for the SIXTH time with writer Erica Schultz in advance of the release of Rat City. Get comfy, folks, this is our longest creator interview yet – almost TWO HOURS LONG! Intro Background What would it take to get you on a Marvel…

E188 – Robbie Baldwin

After months of talking about it, we finally get overridden with guilt and break down ROBBIE BALDWIN! Whether Speedball or Penance, this rapid-fire hero has no shortage of issues – listen now! Intro SIX YEARS!!! New subseries: Colleagues on the…

Creators on the Couch – Phillip Kennedy Johnson 3

We follow up last episode with the second half of our discussion with writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson – this time we’re talking James Bond, John Stewart, and the Incredible Hulk! Plus a meaningful discussion on patriotism, and Anthony & Doc make a…

Creators on the Couch – Phillip Kennedy Johnson 2

We’re back! And so is Philip Kennedy Johnson! We sit down with PKJ for the second time to talk about his recently wrapped runs on Action Comics & Alien. Listen now! Intro Apologies for delay in episodes – see blog post for more PKJ Last…