Civil War II

MARVEL teases some of the DIVIDED. WE. STAND. variants

MARVEL’s CIVIL WAR II has once again split the heroic ranks, pitting friend against friend. To spotlight the discord, Marvel has cooked up some DIVIDED WE STAND variants. PRESS RELEASE: DIVIDED. WE. STAND. The Marvel Universe Stands Divided in November Variant Covers New York, NY—October 4th, 2016 — The Marvel Universe stands fractured. Heroes who…

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Jennifer Walters: No SHE, all HULK!

One of the post-CIVIL WAR II changes coming to the MARVEL UNIVERSE this December is the new ongoing Jennifer Walters series, entitled simply HULK. Not SHE-HULK, just HULK.  Having taken a physical beating from THANOS, only to suffer the mental anguish of her cousin BRUCE’S murder, Jen is in a different place, and the title…

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Cullen Bunn and Magneto choose sides in CIVIL WAR II: X-MEN #1

The X-Men are choosing sides, and writer Cullen Bunn hopes readers do to, in CIVIL WAR: X-MEN #1. The Inhumans have a new seer, and Magneto fears this gives the Inhumans an edge over mutants. So, being magneto, he sets out to level the playing field. But not ALL the mutants agree with him. It’s…

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