Crash Couch: An Expanse Podcast

A podcast covering the Amazon television series, "The Expanse".

This podcast is a member of the GonnaGeek Podcast Network but is not owned by GonnaGeek.

A podcast covering the Amazon television series, “The Expanse”.

This podcast is a member of the GonnaGeek Podcast Network but is not owned by GonnaGeek.

All Episodes

Crash Couch #32: Season 4 Predictions & Tiamat’s Wrath Discussion

The entire Crash Couch crew is here to discuss our predictions for the upcoming season of The Expanse! Also featured is a spoiler-filled chat about the latest book in The Expanse series, Tiamat’s Wrath, from Joel & friends of the show, Derek & Keri, of…

Crash Couch #31: Cas Anvar at ICCC 2018

The Crash Couch went to ICCC 2018 in Franklin, TN, and came back with audio from Cas Anvar’s panel! Take a listen!

Crash Couch #30: Congregation & Abaddon’s Gate

Chris, Laura, Joel, and Ernie get together to discuss the exciting season 3 finale episodes of The Expanse, “Congregation” and “Abaddon’s Gate,” on this edition of The Crash Couch!

Crash Couch #30: Congregation & Abaddon’s Gate

Chris, Laura, Joel, and Ernie get together to discuss the exciting season 3 finale episodes of The Expanse, “Congregation” and “Abaddon’s Gate,” on this edition of The Crash Couch!

Crash Couch #29: Fallen World

The season 3 finale of The Expanse is almost here, but in the meantime, Chris & Laura get together to discuss the prenultimate episode, “Fallen World!” Be sure to catch the double-episode finale on Wednesday on SyFy at 9pm EST!

Crash Couch #28: Intransigence & Dandelion Sky

Ian, Laura, and Joel get together to discuss the ninth and tenth episodes of the third season of The Expanse, “Intransigence” and “Dandelion Sky!”

Crash Couch #28: Intransigence & Dandelion Sky

Ian, Laura, and Joel get together to discuss the ninth and tenth episodes of the third season of The Expanse, “Intransigence” and “Dandelion Sky!”

Crash Couch #27: #TheExpanseLives

The Expanse has been saved by Amazon! Chris & Ernie discuss this news and what it could mean for the show, as well as the episodes “Immolation,” “Delta-V,” and “It Reaches Out!”

The Crash Couch & Sci-Fi Pubcast Crossover

Joel Welch, co-host of The Crash Couch, gets his own crew together on his show, The Sci-Fi Pubcast, to discuss the importance of The Expanse as well as a discussion on the novels that started it all!