Live Video Blab Edition:
The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents look even farther into the past then the 1940’s as they discuss the latest Agents Carter episode “Smoke And Mirrors.” They also break down Jessica Jones “A.K.A. 99 Friends” and they pine for their own safe rooms. Finally, the Agents run down the weekly Marvel news, listener feedback and live Blab viewer chat comments.
-The Guardians of the Galaxy Crate Giveaway Is Underway And We Are At WAR!
-Agent Carter “Smoke And Mirrors”
-Jessica Jones “A.K.A. 99 Friends”
-The weekly Marvel News
-YOUR feedback!!!!
-Highlights From The Live Chatroom
One week after opening the Guardians Of The Galaxy Marvel Collector Corps Crate Giveaway, the Agents find themselves at war with “The Devil In Pink.” For your change to enter and to help with the war against Stark’s “special” flamingo, enter into the contest and let us know what the next animal that Howard Stark is going to add to his collection, the animal’s name, and the backstory and personality of the animal. Is the animal a superhero or villain? We’ll need to have your entry in before 8:00 PM Eastern on February 24th, 2016. Bonus Points for starting a Twitter account for the animal and to start a Twitter war with @BernardSt4rk.
AGENT CARTER “Smoke And Mirrors” [05:03]
Almost half way through the second Agent Carter season, Agent Carter give the Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents a lot to cover. The Agents get to peer into the origins of both Agnus Culley/Whitney Frost/Madame Frost and Agent Peggy Carter and they see how similar they actually were. The nod to Bletchley Park was amazing and the Flashbacks were well done overall. The expanded Marvel comic book television team is not missing a beat so far. Agent Lauren comments on how much chemistry Peggy Carter has with everyone on screen, villain or Team Carter. Agent Haley creates the Agent Carter drinking game (hint, it include Hedy Lamarr, and American Accent and Punching). Agent SP is just so Jarvelous. And James D’Arcy is hitting all the marks given to him and more. Agents Haley and Lauren look into if it is legal to eat a flamingo. All the Agents think Fred was a tool and pay their respects to Michael Carter. The Agents end by predicting the future of KurtwoodSmith/Agent Vernon Masters/Red Foreman, the Sewers Of New York, Calvin Chadwick’s longevity, if Howard Stark and Madame Masque will have a bedroom scene, if Wilkes will live, if the Talent Agency will be breached, and Bernard Stark.
“Smoke And Mirrors”
Directed By: David Platt
Written By: Sue Chung
Episode Transcripts:
JESSICA JONES “A.K.A. 99 Friends” [26:46]
The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents enjoy their second watch of Jessica Jones’ fourth episode. And Agents Haley and SP describe how they thought this episode was going to be about alcohol. Jessica does a great job of using her assets to find her stalker. And people used by Kilgrave just want to help. Trish gets “some” common sense. There’s a ton of Jessica (not) jumping on camera. The Agents were horrified by Kilgrave’s use of the little girl. Trish’s mom gets a shoutout, and not in a flattering way. The Agents see AGAIN why Jeri is NOT a good person. The Agents enjoy the Laser Eyes call back and despise the gun totting client. And Malcolm needs all the hugs.
“A.K.A. 99 Friends”
Directed By: David Petrarca
Written By: Hilly Hicks, Jr.
Episode Transcripts:
NEWS [45:36]
Science of intangibility
Scott Reynolds may be writing for Iron Fist
Iron Fist may have been cast
Luke Cage to address controversial social issues
GotG2 cast assembles for rehearsal photo
FEEDBACK [54:30]
e Monkey ?@EdwardStarkSM Jan 30
Edward the Monkey Retweeted Bernard Stark
@LegendsofSHIELD War has been declared between flamingo & squirrel monkey!
Edward the Monkey added,
Bernard Stark @bernard_st4rk
As of this day, we are at war! …
Bernard Stark Retweeted Edward the Monkey
As of this day, we are at war!
Bernard Stark added,
Edward the Monkey @EdwardStarkSM
Move over, @bernard_st4rk, there is only room for 1 trouble making animal @ Stark Mansion LA! @LegendsofSHIELD @sithwitch @StargatePioneer
Legends Of SHIELD Podcast
Which upcoming Marvel Comics based movie are you most excited to see?
Captain America: Civil War
X-Men: Apocalypse
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half Shell
Dr. Strange
Wolverine 3
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2
Thor: Ragnarok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War (Part 1)
Ant-Man & The Wasp
X-Men (Untitled)
Captain Marvel
Avengers Infinity War (Part 2)
Inhumans (possibly cancelled)
The New Mutants
Stargate Pioneer Captain Marvel hands down folks!
Andi Kuehn Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, wanna see if they manage to delight me again so much like with the 1st one
Caryl Johnston Kierstead Definitely Captain America: Civil War though I am also quite excited about Deadpool
Andreas Kuehn
Date: January 24, 2016 at 8:08:52 AM EST
Episode 4:
– trusting the policeman…I hope this won’t play out in a negative way
– how Jeri is moving forward with her assistance during her divorce, no, not a fan
– really, Jeri typical bitch lawyer in awe of Kilgrave’s gift
– wondering how Malcolm being high all the day manages to survive, unless Kilgrave provides him with money maybe…
– okay…Jessica’s clients plan was real Bullshit, actress was a similar douche as Gretchen on Breaking Bad
– SOB, it was Kilgrave using Malcolm to tail Jessica and to snap pictures of her!
Bottom line: Yepyep..getting better with every episode: 8 out of 10 blue-white striped scarfs
Outro [60:41]
Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer love to hear back from you about your top 5 Marvel character lists, your science of Marvel questions, who would you pick in an all-female Avenger team, or who’s Marvel abs you would like to see. Call the voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871.
Join Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. next time as the hosts discuss the Agent Carter season two episode five “The Atomic Job” and Jessica Jones season one episode five “A.K.A. The Sandwich Saved Me.” You can listen in live when we record Wednesday nights at 8:00 PM Central time at (Also streamed live on YouTube, Spreaker and Blab). Contact Info: Please see for all of our contact information or call our voicemail line at 1-844-THE-BUS1 or 844-843-2871
Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is a Proud Member Of The GonnaGeek Network (
This podcast was recorded on Wednesday February 3rd, 2016.
Standby for your S.H.I.E.L.D. debriefing —
Audio Podcast Edition: